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+Expert Knowledge
=Client Success


Business expertise

You need business expertise as part of a restructuring process or to defend yourself against claims for directors' and officers' liability or rescission claims in connection with insolvency proceedings. Our business appraisals provide an independent, neutral assessment of complex issues.
Examples of our expert opinions:

  • Objective examination of the time of occurrence of insolvency
  • Retrograde analysis of the going concern prognosis
  • Assessment of careless payments according to § 15b InsO (or § 64 GmbHG a. F., § 92 AktG a. F.)
  • Determination of avoidance claims according to §§ 129 ff. InsO


Our team - your partner

We at Graf Treuhand GmbH are a strong team. Our experience from many years of work and our highly specialised expertise add up to the success of our clients. We work on the implementation of your goals with passion and creativity.